Feb 19, 2021|
As Indonesia Recovers from Natural Disasters, JD.ID Contributes to Relief Efforts
by Kelly Dawson
As recovery efforts ramp up, JD.com’s e-commerce joint venture in Indonesia JD.ID will donate 3,000 items of clothing and other necessities to victims of the disasters, and has been raising money for the victims and toward disaster relief efforts.
Since the start of 2021, Indonesia has experienced series of natural disasters, including massive flooding that collapsed bridges and killed at least 15 people in the South Kalimantan region; a devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 on the Richter scale in the WestSulawesi region that led to at least 105 deaths; and finally, two landslides on the island of Java that saw 18 housing units swept away and at least 18 deaths. This all followed on the heels of COVID-19.
“JD.ID together with our long-term partner, Kitabisa.com, hopes that many victims can be helped and that many burdens can be alleviated through our actions,” said CEO of JD.ID Li Zhang. “So it brings joy and a glimmer of hope in Banjarmasin, Majene, Mamuju, and Sumedang. Let’s work together for them.”
Created in partnership with the fundraising platform Kitabisa.com, the program is titled JD Peduli #JDfor ID Banjarmasin, Majene, Mamuju and Sumedang (the names of the impacted cities), and is empowering JD.ID customers to participate in fundraising efforts during a time when the country has been pulling together to recover from the disasters.
Those who wish to donate can do so through JD.ID when making purchases of products marked “JDforID,” or directly on Kitabisa.com where special pages have been set up for the efforts, titled #JDforID Banjarmasin, Majene, Mamuju and Sumedang. The platform is equipped for various payment methods.
JD.ID has also recently released a video campaign pledging its commitment to supporting its customers, in a year when people hope to finally go after dreams deferred during the pandemic and as a result of the recent disasters.
“With the main mission of the company “Make Joy Happen”, JD.ID longs to not only be an online shopping platform that is safe, comfortable, and enjoyable for customers, but to be a platform that brings joy in various aspects of people’s lives, especially social and human aspects,” said Zhang.
The campaign will be concluded at the end of March 2021, with all donations handed over directly to organizations in charge of social assistance in the affected areas.