May 29, 2024|

JD Health Launches AI-Driven Mental Health Services


JD Health’s Mental Health Service Center unveiled a series of AI-driven service projects during a conference in Beijing on May 25th. The new offerings include “Small Universe for Chatting and Healing (聊愈小宇宙),” an AI-based therapeutic companion designed to support individuals, as well as multimodal diagnostic and digital management tools for doctors. This initiative establishes JD Health as China’s first AI-driven online mental health service platform.

The chatbot, “Small Universe for Chatting and Healing,”  leverages JD Health’s healthcare-specific large language model (LLM). It features a rich, multi-dimensional personality, demonstrating enhanced empathy, language expression, and logical thinking abilities. This product aims to improve user interaction and provide support through more human-like communication.

The Mental Health Service Center currently hosts over 6,000 psychiatrists from renowned hospitals and more than 1,000 professional psychological counselors, offering around-the-clock services. For healthcare professionals, JD Health has introduced a multimodal diagnostic tool to enhance the quality and efficiency of psychological counseling and online diagnosis. Additionally, JD Health’s “Sleep Monitoring Data Processing Software” received the National Class II Medical Device License, enabling comprehensive monitoring of sleep physiological indexes and providing references for medical diagnosis and counseling.

Tian Chenghua, Director of the Institute of Mental Health at Peking University, highlighted the impact of AI on psychological testing at the conference. He noted that AI applications could replace over half of manual tasks, significantly boosting the accessibility and efficiency of mental health services. Moreover, AI assists psychiatrists in developing treatment plans, thereby elevating treatment quality.

JD Health’s innovative “doctor + medicines + psychological counseling” model integrates the convenience of telemedicine with extensive resource capacity, facilitating seamless links or referrals for mental health treatment and psychological counseling. This model enables targeted psychological assessments and personalized treatments for conditions such as depression and bipolar disorder.

During the conference, JD Health also announced the formation of a mental health service quality management committee and released a standardized online mental health diagnosis and treatment pathway to promote industry-standard practices.

JD Health aims to leverage its Internet Hospital’s leading position to integrate psychological services with other health resources, creating a cohesive service network. This includes medical checkups, chronic disease management, nutritional counseling, and medicine delivery. JD Health is committed to enhancing service levels, exploring innovative concepts, and developing a comprehensive, multi-level mental health service platform to promote widespread, high-quality mental health care.


