Jan 7, 2021|

JD International Business’s Concludes First English Speech Contest


by Hui Zhang

The final of the first JOY Cup English Speech Contest organized by JD International Business, JD.com’s international business division, was held on Dec. 29. Twelve employees qualified to join the final round competition, out of 40.

The final contest was divided into two sections – a 2-minute keynote speech on the theme of “Better Quality, Better World” and 1-minute impromptu speech. Contestants engaged in heated discussions on topics such as logistics, cross-border business, e-commerce development in Southeast Asia, the future of offline retail, O2O, opportunities and challenges during pandemic, and more. Two contestants from Indonesia and the U.S. joined remotely.

After a fierce competition, Yiming Jiang from JD.ID won the first place, Gao Jiaqi from cross-border business unit and Pei Moran from JD Central won the second place.

Contest Champion Yiming Jiang Rewarded 

“Language ability is an important factor influencing international business development. We hope to evaluate the English ability of our employees through the contest and thus to improve their cross-cultural communication ability as well,” said Xiaobing Yan, senior VP of JD and president of JD International Business.


