Dec 15, 2020|

JD Digits Advances Court with Digital Technology


by Yuchuan Wang

Streamlining the process of public administration to better serve communities is one of the most important aspects to be solved by intelligent city solutions. Recently, JD Digits used cutting-edge technologies to advance the operations of Beijing No. 3 Intermediate People’s Court, providing even more efficient services.

VR appeal service center

VR appeal service center

Pictured above is the “VR Appeal Service Center”, a digital rendering of the actual appeal service center, which people can access via virtual technology from the court’s official website or WeChat account. Through the VR center, the public can process litigation just as in the offline center, for processes including pre-litigation risk assessment, case consultation, mediation and settlement, inquiries and consultation during the litigation, registration and filing, quick adjudication and quick trial, contacting judges, material transfers and more.

For example, at the virtual self-help “indictment generator”, you can directly request an electronic indictment template and fill it in remotely at home, saving time for the commute to court.

JD Digits’ technology also secures the handling of legal files among different departments in the court with the help of an indoor transportation robot. Equipped with laser radar and computer vision technology, the robot plans its route among departments automatically and avoids obstacles and pedestrians. It removes the burden on staff of carrying and handling packs of legal files while also making the whole transportation process transparent in the system.

“The whole journey is tracked. We can get the data from the backend for any of the transportation of legal files by the robot,” said Ke Zhang, head of the appeal service office at this court.

Indoor transportation robot

Indoor transportation robot

The two parties will further collaborate and develop a smart system to assist judicial processes. In addition, JD Digits and the court will also work on the development of a smart court operations system which will integrate hearing, execution, human resources and judicial management systems to provide non-stop service for the public.


