Aug 1, 2022| Among Top 50 Kantar BrandZ Chinese Global Brand Builders 2022
by Yiming Yan was listed in the Top 50 Kantar BrandZ Chinese Global Brand Builders 2022 ranking by Google and Kantar on July 27. For the fifth year in a row, made the list and ranked No.44 this year, coming in as runner-up in the e-commerce sector.
In line with its mission of becoming “the most trusted enterprise in the world”, relies on offshore infrastructure, effective global supply chain solutions and technical innovations to empower its international business and global partners, setting up a new benchmark for Chinese products and services. operates retail businesses in Southeast Asia and Europe, serving local consumer markets and cross-border trade by utilizing global supply chain capabilities and technical strength. also actively assists more Chinese brands in entering the global market in addition to working to realize its own goal of brand globalization; and utilizes the integrated supply chain’s capacity to create a trusting relationship between Chinese brand merchants and international customers. has collaborated strategically with brands like Xiaomi, TCL, Haier, Hisense, and many other Chinese big names in exploring international markets.
The Kantar BrandZ China Global Brand list, which began in 2017, uses brand power scores as a measure of overseas consumers’ perception of Chinese brands and their ability to drive market share growth. In order to determine the final Top 50 brands, the study polled more than 1.17 million consumers in 11 locations around the world and compared 383 candidate brands across 18 categories with brands in the local markets.