Mar 2, 2021|

JD E-Space Tops Entertainment List Survey of Local Residents


by Ling Cao

JD E-Space, JD’s omnichannel experience store in Chongqing, has won the most favored fashion and entertainment location among local residents. The announcement was made today jointly by four local news media that organized the 10-day campaign, which was joined by nearly 30,000 people who made over 200,000 likes in their WeChat moments.

The other top five locations are IFS, Raffles City, Chang Jia Hui and a Culture and Travel Space by Sunac China. An industry expert said, “These five places all share one same characteristic, which is that they are all fashionable, allowing them to attract customers to the stores.”

JD E-Space, which opened during the 2019 Singles Day Grand Promotion, aims to provide customers with an immersive shopping experience. Customers can try some of the brands’ high tech items and new products, including coffee machines and more.

In March, JD E-Space will continue to provide superior products and services to customers, such as free installation service for some air conditioners. During Mar. 6 to 8, female customers have the chance to get coupons to make purchases on JD in honor of International Women’s Day.


