Nov 26, 2020|

JDD Series: Key Takeaways from JD Executives


by Ling Cao and Ella Kidron


Jon Liao, CSO of gives keynote speech at JDD, explaining that supply chain is the unchangeable core advantage for JD amidst a changing environment.

JD’s supply chain efficiency has already made significant contributions in China, while there is still a way to go. He explained, “If we compare today’s 14.7% with Europe and the US where the number is less than 10%, we see that we still have a huge amount of room to improve efficiency, which is why we need to build new infrastructure in the future.”

In the industrial internet era, Liao shared that based on the digital and intelligent supply chain infrastructure that JD is going to build, the company wants to achieve three objectives in the next 10 years: 1) empower the real economy, 2) improve efficiency among industries, and 3) promote environmentally friendly programs.


Dr. Bowen Zhou, Chair of JD Technology Committee, speeches at JDD, sharing that advanced technology will drive intelligent supply chain digitalization.

Dr. Zhou shared, “What we are most certain of is that the industrial transformation will be promoted through emerging technologies, such as AI and cloud computing.” He also predicted that by 2030, all companies worldwide will have been transformed into technology companies.

At the event, Dr. Zhou also joined other JD executives to unveil the launch of JD Explore Academy, which will explore digital and intelligent frontline technologies. JD will also recruit global talent to join its team in these fields.


Lei Xu, CEO of JD Retail, stresses the fact that JD Retail itself is a digital and intelligent company based on supply chain.

Xu said, “Through there are many uncertainties this year, JD Retail has gained high quality growth in first three quarters in terms of revenue and users. The digital and intelligent supply chain made a crucial contribution.” He added that ensuring growth is the key focus when everything is uncertain. Xu shared that using digital and intelligent solutions to power retail is a certain way to improve the business. It can provide growth at both the supply and consumption ends.


Shengqiang Chen, CEO of JD Digits, shares how digital technology can benefit real economy.

Chen shared that “smart city” is the best arena for digital technology application.  He shared that JD Digits has built a modern city management platform, which can help local governments improve efficiency. Based on the platform, JD Digits helped Nantong, Jiangsu province build China’s first modern command center.


Zhenhui Wang, CEO of JD Logistics, gives keynote during JDD, sharing that digital and intelligent supply chain transformation is the “must be done” thing.

Wang said, “Technology innovation is the key factor in the current situation. Digital and intelligent supply chain transformation is the ‘must be done’ thing.” He added that JD Logistics will work with partners to promote this transformation and transformation.  The company will open itself to find new opportunities, and contribute its value to supply chain for all industries.;
