Jan 17, 2017|
JD Ideal Marketing Solution Launches, Giving Brands Unprecedented Targeting Resources
One of Quaker brand’s best-selling new products of 2016 in China achieved great success by leveraging the strengths of JD marketing tools.
When one of the most successful global brands wanted to create a product that would resonate with Chinese consumers, it got creative. Rather than simply trying to transfer products that have been successful in other markets, Quaker decided to leverage insights from data gathered from JD’s 200 million active consumers, its sophisticated supply chain management system, and its knowledge of niche market segmentation to identify an underserved piece of the market. The result was a hugely successful breakfast drink.
JD and Quaker had robust collaboration for the launch of Quaker High-Fiber Oats Dairy Drink to the Chinese market. The two sides closely studied JD consumers’ profiles and their varied preferences, executed well-rounded consumer communications and sales promotions during the go-to-market activities, and leveraged strategic resources in media-to-shelf and sales campaigns. Quaker High-Fiber Oats Dairy Drink was an instant hit, receiving impressive sales and voice-of-share on the market.
For brands working with JD.com, the Quaker example is just a taste of what they will be able to achieve as JD has used experiences like this to develop a game-changing marketing solution.
The JD Ideal Marketing Solution helps address one of the most critical marketing challenges facing brands today – how to build and sustain engagement with consumers in an increasingly fragmented media environment.
According to Global Web Index’s research, consumers now have an average of 3.64 devices, and are consuming media across a multitude of apps and platforms. With information and insight on consumer habits increasingly dispersed and silo-ed, marketers face a host of new difficulties.
They are looking for ways to get comprehensive insight in customers’ shopping habits, influence their decisions, how they can influence purchasing decisions, and how they can get the access, data and insight they need to make efficient marketing decisions. That’s where JD.com comes in.
JD Ideal Marketing Solution allows brands to tap into the vast data, insights and marketing tools that JD.com uses to engage with its consumers across China, and to connect these resources to enable better returns on marketing investment.
Just as Quaker used JD.com’s consumer insight to design and launch new products, the JD Ideal Marketing Solution will give other brands all the tools they need to build stronger engagement with consumers in China.
The launch of the solution is a key step in JD’s strategy to open its resources to partners to develop brand loyalty and tailor products to customers. The beauty of working with JD.com on these efforts is that, in addition to the company’s massive amount of data on consumer habits on its own site, it can leverage a vast wealth of complementary data from additional sources.
For example, the JD-Tencent partnership gives brands access not only to JD’s 200 million consumers, but also to the roughly one billion monthly users on Tencent’s dominant social media platforms WeChat and Mobile QQ.
In the last few days alone, JD.com’s brand partners, including 3M, Be & Cherry and Tian Wang, have all worked with JD to leverage Tencent’s platforms by becoming some of the first brands to launch their own dedicated JD flagship stores on WeChat through Tencent’s revolutionary new mini program feature.
JD Ideal Marketing Solution goes live from today. It should be a game changer for brands trying to develop effective marketing strategies in a media environment that is increasingly diffuse.